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11th English assignment answers 2021 : Tamilnadu 11th English August

11th English Tamilnadu assignment Answer Key 2021 :- This is the full answer key for the 11th English Tamilnadu assignment Answer Key 2021,Students can download and print in pdf.


Class: XI Subject : English

Unit 1 – Prose – The Portrait of a Lady


I. One Mark Questions

1.In this lesson, the author describes about his……………..

a)mother b)grandmother c)friend d)enemy

Answer:- b)grandmother

2.The ………………. portrait was hung above the mantelpiece.

a) grandmother‟s, b)grandfather‟s c)friend‟s d)enemy‟s

Answer: b) grandfather‟s

3.The village school was attached to the………….

a) temple b) shop c)church d) museum

Answer: a) temple

4.The _ were thrown to the dogs by the grandmother.

a) chapathis b)books c)stones d) biscuits

Answer: a) chapatis

5.The grandmother spent most of her time by the …………..

a) Computer b) spinning wheelc) type writer d) grand children

Answer : a) chapathis

6.The happiest time of the day for grandmother was _____the sparrows.

a) shooing b) feeding c) playing d) sleeping

Answer: b) feeding

7.A red…………….. was wrapped around the dead body of the grandmother.

a)shroud b)paper c) plastic sheet d) silk

Answer: a)shroud

8…….. is the derivative of approved.

a) unapproved b)approval c)app d)proved

Answer: a) unapproved b)approval

9.The meaning of dilapidated is………

a) damaged b) rectified c)hanging d)wasted

Answer: a) damaged

10………the ministers took the task seriously

a)all b) many c) some d) few

Answer: a)all

II. Very Short Answer

1.Why was the author left with his grandmother in the village?

The author was left with his grandmother in the village because his parents went to live in the city

2.Where did the author study in his childhood days?

The author studied in the village in his childhood. His school was attached to a temple and the priest was their teacher.

3.What subjects were taught by the priest in the village?

The priest taught them the alphabet and the morning prayer

4.When the author wanted to go abroad for his higher studies, was his
Is grandmother sentimental?

No, the author’s grandmother didn’t feel sentimental when he went abroad for his higher studies

5.How did the grandmother spend her time in the afternoon?

In the afternoon the grandmother feed relaxed to feed the sparrows with bits of bread. That was the happiest time of the day for grandmother


III. Short Answer

1.Describe the portrait of the grandfather?

The portrait of the grandfather hung above the mantelpiece in the drawing-room. In the portrait, the grandfather was found wearing a big turban and loose-fitting clothes. He had a long white beard that covered the major portion of his chest and he looked as if he was hundred years old

2.Describe the appearance of the grandmother?

The author’s grandmother was an old woman with wrinkled skin. She had been like that for twenty years.Once she had been young and pretty

3.How did the author go to school in the village?

Every morning the grandmother woke the author up. She batched and dressed him for the school. Then she accompanied him to school. After breakfast, they went to school.

4.Why did the author‟s grandmother thump a dilapidated drum?

The author’s grandmother thumped a dilapidated drum because she sang the song for home-coming of warriors

5.How did the sparrows react to the funeral ceremony of the grandmother?

Thousands of sparrows sat scattered on the floor without their usual chirruping. The author’s mother tried to feed them but they refused to eat. When the body was carried, they flew away quietly


IV. Write in detail.

1.The grandmother played a vital role in bringing up the author. Explain?

In the lesson the portrait of a lady. Khuswant Singh describes the importance of the grandmother in shaping the life of the author. When the author was a child, his whole life was filled with the activities of his grandmother. When the author was left to the care of the grandmother. he was led by her from morning till evening. In his formative period, she taught him the importance of prayer and good Usually the elders play a vital role in the life of children. Elders are experienced people Who understand what is good for the future of the children. So they could have a positive influence on the younger generation. In this story, the grandmother took him to a school that was attached to the temple. Their children were taught good values she showed her strong will to the author which must have influenced him

2.How did the grandmother spend her last few hours of her life?

When the grandmother realised that her end had come, she stopped her prayer. She gathered some women. She got an old drum and sang the home-coming of warriors. The next morning she was taken ill. The doctor said that it was not serious. But she said that her end was near. She stopped talking to her people. She lay peacefully in bed praying and saying her beads. In a short time she died. When her body was lifted for cremation thousands of sparrows spread all over the place. When his mother threw some bread crumbs they refused to eat. When her body was carried out of the house, all the sparrows flew away quietly.

Unit 1 – Poem – Once Upon a Time


I. One Mark Questions

1.Who is the speaker of the poem?

a) son b) daughter c) father

Answer: c) father

2.What is the relationship between the narrator and the listener?

a) Father and son b) Mother and daughter c) Poet and audience

Answer: a) Father and son

3.What do you mean by “laugh with their teeth”?

a) laugh with emotions b) laugh without emotions c) genuine laugh

Answer: b) laugh without emotions

4.What does the poet long for?

a) sincerity b) food c) old age

Answer: a) sincerity

5.What are „fangs‟ referred to?

a) tongue of a snake b) teeth of a snake c) body of a snake

Answer: b) teeth of a snake

6.What is „cocktail face‟?

a) face with mixed emotions b) face with false emotions c) face with true

Answer: a) face with mixed emotions

7.“I have learned to wear many faces like dresses”.
What is the figure of speech employed here?

a) metaphor b) personification c) simile

Answer: c) simile

8.What has the poet learnt?

a) wear many dresses b) change his face c) change his job

Answer: b) change his face

9.What is meant by “muting things”?

a)real emotions in silenced stage b)emotions that he cannot control b)people
who are silent

Answer: a)real emotions in silenced stage

10 What is the meaning of „unlearn‟?

a) learn newly b) get rid of learning c) learn in silence

Answer: b) get rid of learning


II. Very Short Answer

1.What is meant by “search behind my shadow”?

“Search behind my shadow” means “people are hypocritical and they don’t mean what they say”

2.Explain “ice block – cold eyes”.

With the help of the phrase “ice block-cold eyes” the poet explains that every adult has the eyes which lack the feeling of warmth or endearing expression.

3.What doesthe poet desire to unlearn and relearn? why?

He desires to unlearn all the hypocritical behaviour and relearn the way to express real human feelings without any concealment. This is because he doesn’t like the fake way of living.

4.How is the poet‟s laugh reflected in the mirror?

The fake laugh of the poet just with his teeth is reflected as a snake’s laugh with its venomous teeth.

5.“Once upon a time son they used to laugh with their eyes”.

Every adult in his childhood used to laugh from his heart genuinely.


III. Short Answer

1.Mention the qualities the child and the adult in the poem symbolise?

The child symbolises the quality of genuineness, the adult symbolises the quality of being fake.

2.What does the poet mean when he says „good – bye‟? Why?

When the poet says “goodbye” he means that he is happy to get rid of him because that person is an unwanted one for the poet.

3.Pick out the expressions that indicate conflicting ideas in the poem.

i. laugh with their eyes
ii. shake hands without hearts
iii. like a fixed portrait smile
iv. hands search my empty pockets
v. to unlearn all these muting things

4.What happens to the poet when he visits someone for the third time? What must be the reason?

When the poet visits someone for the third time he is not welcomed by the other. The reason is that the other has not invited the poet whole heartedly.

5.What pleasantries does the poet use to fake cordiality?

The poet uses pleasantries like “Feel at home”, and “come again” to fake cordiality.


IV. Write in detail.

1.The poem is nothing but a criticism of modern life – Justify the statement.

The poet Okara in his poem ‘Once Upon a Time’ painfully condemns the duplicity displayed by adults both in their words and actions. The poet laments about the negative changes that have come upon the modern society. In the modern world people do not have real laughter; they have only fake laughter. Their eyes do not show any feeling when they laugh. The handshakes have become mere duplicity. People do not have the warmth when they shake hands with others. The words of welcome come only from the lips, not from the heart. Nowadays people change their faces as they change their dresses. The facial expressions change according to the situation. Thus the poet criticises modern life.

2.“Face is the index of the mind”. Does this adage concur with the views of the poet?

Gabriel Okara (born 1921) is a Nigerian poet and novelist. His verse has been translated into several languages. Okara’s typical poem transits from everyday reality to moments of delight and moves back to reality making a complete circle. The poet Okara in his poem ‘Once Upon a Time’ painfully condemns the duplicity displayed by adults both in their words and actions. The poet laments about the negative changes that have come upon modern society. It is an old saying
‘Face is the index of the mind’. It means that the face can reflect the real mind of a person. But because of the changes brought into the modern world, this proverb has lost its meaning. People laugh concealing their real intention. People’s handshakes do not come from their hearts. So the face does not show reality. In the same way, people give words of welcome only from the lips. In the modern world, people change their faces as they change their dress. Now, in no way does the face show the real mind of a person.

Unit 1 – Supplementary – After Twenty Years


I. One Mark Questions

1.Bob was ………… years old.

a) 20 b) 18 c) 19 d) 21

Answer: b) 18

2.Who stayed in New York?

a) Jimmy b) Bob c) O. Henry d) Policeman

Answer: a) Jimmy

3.Bob went to the…………………….

a) East b) West c) North d) South

Answer: b) West

4.Jimmy and Bob grew up together in …………………….

a) New York b) London c) America d) India

Answer: a) New York

5.The two friends departed before ……………………. years

a) 10 b) 5 c) 15 d) 20

Answer: d) 20

6.The waiting man pulled out his handsome …………………….

a) watch b) mobile phone c) pen d) purse

Answer: a) watch

7.The Scarf pin of Bob was a …………………….

a) gold b) diamond c) silver d) plastic

Answer: b) diamond

8.Bob was a ……………………. in Chicago

a) criminal b) doctor c) policeman d) lawyer

Answer: a) criminal

9.The place where they met before 20 years was a …………………….

a) park b) theatre c) restaurant d) shop

Answer: c) restaurant

10.How far Bob has come to meet his friend Jimmy?

a) 500 miles b) 1000 miles c) 2000 miles d) 100 miles

Answer: b) 1000 miles


II. Very Short Answer

1.Describe the appearance of the policeman on the beat.

The policeman on the beat moved in the street impressively. He was twisting his club with some complicated movement. He was a physically strong man.

2.What did the policeman keep doing on his rounds?

He was looking at the doors of the shops and turning now and then to watch the traffic carefully

3.Why were the streets devoid of people?

The streets were devoid of people because of the chilly gusts of wind with imminent rain.

4.Who was the tall man in the story “After Twenty Years”?

The tall man was a policeman in plainclothes who was sent by Wells, the patrolman.

5.What is the most significant happening in the story to be analyzed?

The most significant happening is the note of Jimmy in which he admitted that he had recognized Bob’s face from a Chicago police bulletin but did not have the heart to arrest him


III. Short Answer

1.Describe the scene at the beginning of the story.

After Twenty Years’ is a story that opens with a policeman on night patrol. It’s nearly 10.00’ at night. It is quiet as he walks his beat, checking locks for safety. Suddenly, a figure standing in a doorway catches his attention, and he approaches him. The person speaks up and reassures the officer that he is not looking to cause any trouble.

2.What is the climax of the story “After Twenty Years”?

Before taking Bob into custody, however, the officer hands him a note from Patrolman Wells whom he has unwittingly met earlier. One who came before was actually his friend Bob who is a policeman. He realized that Bob is the silky Bob who is a wanted criminal in the north. Jimmy admits he recognized Bob’s face from a Chicago police bulletin but did not have the heart to arrest him.

3.How did the cop come to understand that Bob had been successful in the

Bob had an expensive large diamond scarf pin that an ordinary man could not wear. When Bob took out his watch to see the time the cop noticed that it was a handsome watch with the attachment of small diamonds. Thus he came to understand that Bob had been successful in the West.

4.Why didn‟t Jimmy Wells, being a cop himself, arrests Bob?

Jimmy Wells gave a letter to Bob through the plainclothes man. He wrote that when he saw Bob’s face he understood he was the wanted criminal in Chicago. But he himself could not arrest him because he was once his best friend.

5.Who do you think has been more successful between the two? Give reasons.

Jimmy Wells has been more successful than Bob. He is now a respectable policeman though his earning may not be as big as what Bob has. Bob has become a criminal and has earned huge money. But he could not lead a peaceful life.


IV. Write in detail.

What would you do in this situation, if you were Jimmy Wells? Substantiate your reason.

If I were Jimmy Wells I must have done the same as Wells has done. Bob had become a hard-core criminal. If he had just started slipping from the right attitude there might have been some possibilities to help him pull out of his criminal activities. But in the given situation it is very difficult to change him. Moreover, as a responsible patrolman, I may not have any other choice. If I avoided arresting him, he would as usual indulge in unlawful activities to hoard wealth. It is likely that he might attempt homicide to rob the hapless people. Moreover, evading duty would prick my conscience as an honest policeman. In my opinion, nobody is above law. Since duty consciousness takes precedence over friendship, I have Hobson’s choice in this case.

Sketch the character of Jimmy Wells.

Jimmy would not go out of New York. He could not earn as much as Bob. Jimmy was slow in his dealings but a good fellow. He would surely keep his promise of meeting him at the particular place though he had taken the promise twenty years ago. He realized Bob but he understood that he was the criminal wanted in Chicago. But he did not want to arrest his friend so he sent another policeman in plain clothes to arrest him. It shows that he honored his friendship but at the same time he wanted to do his duty as an honest policeman

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