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12th Botany English Medium 2nd Assignment July 2021 Answerkey

12th Botany English Medium 2nd Assignment July 2021 Answerkey:- This is the new assignment answers for 12th standard botany July month second assignment. Due to the corona pandemic, lots of educational processes are changed. that way collecting assignments is mandatory to evaluate the exam results if any cancelation of exams. so students must submit the assignments on time to get good marks


Class -12 Subject:Botany

Unit 2
Classical Gentics

Part – A

I.Choose the correct Answer

1.The genotype of a plant showing the dominant phenotype can be determined

a) Back cross

b)Test cross

c) Dihybrid cross

p)Pedigree cross

Answer :

The complementary genes ratio is…..

a) 9:3:4

b) 12:3:1

c) 13:3

d) 9:7

Answer :

In his classic experiments on pea plants, Mendel did not use

a) Flowering position

b)Seed colour

c) Pod length

d) Seed shape

Answer :

4.If absence of starch resulting in wrinkled peas in which enzyme is catalyzes the formation of starch molecule.



c)Dias ase

d)Starch branchi en yme

Answer :

5.An al le to ill an o g nism is all d l tha gene, wh c n d t e term

(a) E.Baur

(b) Mendel

(C) Corren

(d) Hugo de vries

Answer :

The phenomenon in which two alleles are both expressed in the
heterozygous individual is known as

(a) Recessive

(b) Dominant

(c) Co-dominance

(d) Epistasis

Answer :

7.Pick out wrong one

a) Dominant allele- RR

(b)Recessive allele- rryy

c) Difference traits – RrYy

(d)Recessive traits- RRYY

Answer :

8.If heterozygous tall test cross gives

a) 100% tall

(b)100% dwarf

c) 50%tall & 50%dwarf

(d)75% tall

Answer :

9.Which one of the following characters is a homozygous character?



c)Both a and b

d)None of the above

Answer :

10.Mendel’s theory of inheritance known as Particulate theory

a) Waves theory

b) Movement theory

c) Novel theory

Answer :

Part – B

II.Very Short Answer.

1.Define genetics.

2.What is Test cross.

3.Write mendals law of independence assortment.

4.Define Incomplete dominance.

5.What are multiple alleles

Part – C

III. Short Answer.

Explain the law of dominance in monohybrid cross.

Describe law of independent assortment.

Give the role of genes in pea plant purple flower.

4.What is meant by Cytoplasmic Inheritance.

Bring out the inheritance of chloroplast gene with an example.

Part – D

IV.Write in detail.

1.Explain with an example hsw singl gene affet mult le ts nd alle s the

2.phenotype of an organism.Differentiate discontinuous and continuous