Brendan Khuri was the driver behind the wheel of a Lamborghini that ran a red light in West Los Angeles on Feb. 17, 2021. Khuri crashed into the vehicle of Monique Muñoz, killing her.

LOS ANGELES - Attorneys who represent the family of Monique Muñoz, who was killed when a teen ran a red light driving a Lamborghini SUV in West Los Angeles, announced Wednesday that an $18.85 million settlement was reached in the case.

"Today is a significant milestone because the Munoz family can finally get some closure for this horrific tragedy," said lead attorney Daniel Ghyczy after the settlement was reached Wednesday.

"The family faced numerous hurdles from both private insurance companies and the LA District Attorney’s office, and experienced the harsh realities of racism and bias against those from underserved communities.

The family pleaded for the District Attorney to investigate this case and met with the office dozens of times to advocate for their family.

It was never about money for the Munoz family, it was about the acknowledgment of Brendan Khuri’s misconduct that resulted in the death of their only daughter and to ensure that he was held accountable.

Today’s settlement is a testament to their efforts and is a step closer to justice," Ghyczy continued.

Also Wednesday, new video of the fatal crash was released, which showed Khuri running a red light in his Lamborghini SUV before his vehicle violently crashed into the vehicle of Muñoz, killing her.