Herbert Hits the Hub, But Who's Hoping to Take Gogol Down for Good?

Hazel Green made a deal with the devil. A disgustingly rich, intelligent, yet highly unethical devil. But does Byron Gogol actually have the ability to cure her sick father Herbert?

That’s what we’re about to find out, as HBO Max’s Made for Love kicks off its sophomore season. (The first two episodes are now available to stream.)

 When the new run begins, Hazel is giving her dad a tour inside the Hub. He’s well aware that she drugged him, abducted him and placed him inside a replica of his house. But she’s also saving his life, so bygones, etc., right?

Hazel has one more surprise: Byron is bludgeoned and bleeding out on the floor of the other room. The murder weapon: a golf club. Herbert picks up the club, hands it to Hazel and tells her to finish the job. She swings the club down at his head and

It was all a daydream. Rather, Byron is introducing Hazel to the doctor who will be overseeing her dad’s treatment. The plan is as follows: They’ll sedate him during breakfast.

Once he’s unconscious, Bennett will alert the medical team, who will pick him up and transport him to their state of the art medical cube where he’ll get his treatments. When the session is finished, they’ll bring him back home, reset his clocks and he’ll be none the wiser.

The treatments won’t be chemo though, so they won’t have to worry about side effects. The Hub does gene editing, cell therapy, nanosurgery and more, and is souped up with all sorts of fancy technological advances.