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Tn 12th Computer Science And Computer Application Reduced Syllabus Study Material 

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XII Computer Science
1 Function

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 What is function?
2 What are Parameters?
3 What are Arguments?
4 What is Recursive function?
5 What are type of function?
6 Write the syntax for function definition?
7 What is a subroutine?
8 Define Function with respect to Programming language.
9 Write the inference you get from X:=(78).
10 Differentiate interface and implementation.
11 Which of the following is a normal function definition and which is recursive function definition
i) let rec sum x y
return x + y
ii) let disp :
print ‘welcome’
iii) let rec sum num:
if (num!=0) then return num + sum (num-1)
return num
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 What are called Parameters and write a note on
(i)Parameter without Type (ii) Parameter with Type

  1. Data Abstraction

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Define Abstraction.
2 What are the types of function to facilitate data abstraction.
3 What is abstract data type?
4 Differentiate constructors and selectors .
5 Identify Which of the following are constructors and selectors?
(a) N1=number() (b) accetnum(n1) (c) displaynum(n1)
(d) eval(a/b) (e) x,y= makeslope (m), makeslope(n)
(f) display()
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 How will you facilitate data abstraction. Explain it with suitable example

3 Scoping

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 What is the use of LEGB rule.
2 What are the types of Variable scope?
3 What is a scope?
4 Why scope should be used for variable. State the reason.
5 What is Mapping?
6 What do you mean by Namespaces?
7 Define Local scope with an example.
8 Define Global scope with an example.
9 Define Enclosed scope with an example.
10 Identify the scope of the variables in the following pseudo code and write its
color:= Red

printcolor, b, g
printcolor, b
print color
II. Answer the following: (5M)

  1. Explain the types of scopes for variable or LEGB rule with example.
  2. Algorithmic Strategies

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 What is algorithimic strategy?
2 What is an algorithimic solution?
3 What is a priori estimates?
4 What is posteriori estimate?
5 Define Linear search.
6 What do you mean by selection sort?
7 What is an Algorithm?
8 Define Pseudo code.
9 who is an Algorist?
10 What is Sorting?
11 What is searching? Write its types.
12 List the characteristics of an algorithm
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Explain the characteristics of an algorithm.
2 Discuss about Linear search algorithm.
3 What is Binary search? Discuss with example.
4 Explain the Bubble sort algorithm with example.

  1. Python Variable and Operators

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 What are the features of puthon?
2 What is the use of print() function and input() fumction.
3 Write a shot note on indentation.
4 What are the different modes that can be used to test Python Program ?
5 Write short notes on Tokens.
6 What are the different operators that can be used in Python ?
7 What is a literal? Explain the types of literals ?
8 Write short notes on Arithmetic operator with examples.
9 What are the assignment operators that can be used in Python?
10 Explain Ternary operator with examples.
11 Write short notes on Escape sequences with examples.
12 What are string literals? Explain.
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Describe in detail the procedure Script mode programming.
2 Explain input() and print() functions with examples.
3 Discuss in detail about Tokens in Python

  1. Control Structures

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Define Branching and looping.
2 What are types of control structure?
3 What are the types of alternative or branching statement?
4 Write the syntax of most comfortable loop in python.
5 Write a shot note on pass statement.
6 Write note on break statement.
7 Write is the syntax of if..else statement
8 Define control structure.
9 Write note on range () in loop

10 Write a program to display
11 Write note on if..else structure.
12 Using if..else..elif statement write a suitable program to display largest of 3 numbers.
13 Write the syntax of while loop
14 List the differences between break and continue statements.
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Write a detail note on for loop
2 Write a detail note on if..else..elif statement with suitable example.
3 Write a program to display all 3 digit odd numbers.
4 Write a program to display multiplication table for a given number.

  1. Python Functions

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Define types of function.
2 What is nested block?
3 What are the advantages of user defined function?
4 What is anonymous function?
5 What is the use of lambda function?
6 What are rules of local variable?
7 What is function?
8 Write the different types of function.
9 What are the main advantages of function?
10 What is meant by scope of variable? Mention its types.
11 Define global scope.
12 Write the basic rules for global keyword in python.
13 What happens when we modify global variable inside the function?
14 Write a Python code to check whether a given year is leap year or not.
15 What are the points to be noted while defining a function?
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Explain the different types of function with an example.
2 Explain the scope of variables with an example.
3 Write a Python code to find the L.C.M. of two numbers.

  1. Strings and String Manipulations

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 How will you create a multiline string?
2 What are the string operators?
3 What is String?
4 Do you modify a string in Python?
5 How will you delete a string in Python?
6 What will be the output of the following python code?
str1 = “School”
7 What is slicing?
8 Write a Python program to display the given pattern
a e

9 What will be the output of the given python program?
str1 = “welcome”
str2 = “to school”
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Explain about string operators in python with suitable example.

  1. Lists, Tuples, Sets and Dictionary

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Write the syntax to create a list.
2 How do you access the list elements.
3 List the important list functions.
4 How do you create a set.
5 List the set operations.
6 What is List in Python?
7 How will you access the list elements in reverse order?
8 What will be the value of x in following python code?
9 Differentiate del with remove( ) function of List.
10 Write the syntax of creating a Tuple with n number of elements.
11 What is set in Python?
12 What are the advantages of Tuples over a list?
13 What will be the output of the following code?
list = [2**x for x in range(5)]

II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 What are the different ways to insert an element in a list. Explain with suitable example.
2 What is the purpose of range( )? Explain with an example.
3 What is nested tuple? Explain with an example
4 Explain the different set operations supported by python with suitable example.

  1. Python Classes and Objects

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 What is the syntax of class?
2 Write a shot note on public and private data members of a class
3 What is class?
4 What is instantiation?
5 What is the output of the following program?
class Sample:
num=10 def disp(self): print(self.__num) S=Sample() S.disp() print(S.__num) 6 How will you create constructor in Python? 7 What is the purpose of Destructor? 8 What are class members? How do you define it? 9 Write a class with two private class variables and print the sum using a method. 10 Find the error in the following program to get the given output? class Fruits: def __init(self, f1, f2):
def display(self):
print(“Fruit 1 = %s, Fruit 2 = %s” %(self.f1, self.f2))

F = Fruits (‘Apple’, ‘Mango’)
del F.display
Fruit 1 = Apple, Fruit 2 = Mango
11 What is the output of the following program?
class Greeting:
def init(self, name):
self.__name = name
def display(self):
print(“Good Morning “, self.__name)
obj=Greeting(‘Bindu Madhavan’)
12 How do define constructor and destructor in Python?
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Write a menu driven program to add or delete stationary items. You should use dictionary to
store items and the brand.

  1. Database Concepts

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 What is database?
2 What is data,information?
3 Define DBMS.
4 What are the characteristics of DBMS?
5 What are the advantages of DBMS?
6 What are the component of DBMS?
7 Define database structure.
8 Mention few examples of a database.
9 What is data consistency?
10 What is normalization?
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Explain the characteristics of DBMS.

  1. Structured Query Language(SQL)

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Write a shot note on SQL.
2 Expand WAMP
3 What are components of SQL?
4 Write the commands of DDL.
5 What are the typees of DML.
6 Write the commands of DCL.
7 Write the commands TCL.
8 Write the commands DQL.
9 What are the types of constarits?
10 Write a query that selects all students whose age is less than 18 in order wise.
11 Differentiate Unique and Primary Key constraint.
12 Write the difference between table constraint and column constraint?
13 Which component of SQL lets insert values in tables and which lets to create atable?
14 What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?
15 What is a constraint? Write short note on Primary key constraint.
16 Write a SQL statement to modify the student table structure by adding a new field.
17 Write any three DDL commands.
18 Write the use of Savepoint command with an example.
19 Write a SQL statement using DISTINCT keyword.
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Write the different types of constraints and their functions.
2 Consider the following employee table. Write SQL commands for the qtns.(i) to (v).

S1001 Hariharan Supervisor 29000 12000
P1002 Shaji Operator 10000 5500
P1003 Prasad Operator 12000 6500
C1004 Manjima Clerk 8000 4500
M1005 Ratheesh Mechanic 20000 7000
(i) To display the details of all employees in descending order of pay.
(ii) To display all employees whose allowance is between 5000 and 7000.
(iii) To remove the employees who are mechanic.
(iv)To add a new row.
(v)To display the details of all employees who are operators.
3 What are the components of SQL? Write the commands in each.
4 Construct the following SQL statements in the student table-
(i) SELECT statement using GROUP BY clause.
(ii) SELECT statement using ORDER BY clause.
5 Write a SQL statement to create a table for employee having any five fields and create a table
constraint for the employee table
6 Write the SQL commands and their functions.

  1. Python and CSV Files

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 What is the purpose of csv file?
2 List the python file modes.
3 Write the syntax of csv.writer().
4 Write the use of writerow() and writerows() method.
5 What do you mean by appending?
6 What is CSV File?
7 Mention the two ways to read a CSV file
8 Mention the default modes of the File.
9 Write a note on open() function of python. What is the difference between the two
10 Write a Python program to modify an existing file.
11 Write a Python program to read a CSV file with default delimiter comma (,).
12 What is the difference between the write mode and append mode.
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Differentiate Excel file and CSV file.
2 Tabulate the different mode with its meaning.
3 Write the different methods to read a File in Python.
4 Write a Python program to write a CSV File with custom quotes.
5 Write the rules to be followed to format the data in a CSV file

  1. Importing C++ program in Python

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 What are the applications of scripting language?
2 What do you mean by wrapping up of c++ in python?
3 Write some commonly used interfaces.
4 What is the theoretical difference between Scripting language and other programming
5 Differentiate compiler and interpreter.
6 Write the expansion of (i) SWIG (ii) MinGW
7 What is the use of modules?
8 What is the use of cd command. Give an example.
9 Differentiate PYTHON and C++
10 What are the applications of scripting language?
11 What is MinGW? What is its use?
12 Identify the module ,operator, definition name for the following

13 What is sys.argv? What does it contain?
II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Explain each word of the following command.
Python –
2 What is the purpose of sys,os,getopt module in Python.Explain
3 Write the syntax for getopt() and explain its arguments and return values
4 Write a Python program to execute the following c++ coding


using namespace std;
int main()
The above C++ program is saved in a file welcome.cpp

  1. Data Manipulation Through SQL

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Write the steps to use SQLite.
2 Write a shot note most commonly used statement in SQL
3 List the aggregate function.
4 Mention the users who uses the Database.
5 Which method is used to connect a database? Give an example.
6 What is the advantage of declaring a column as “INTEGER PRIMARY KEY”
7 Write the command to populate record in a table. Give an example.
8 Which method is used to fetch all rows from the database table?
9 What is SQLite?What is it advantage?
10 Mention the difference between fetchone() and fetchmany()
11 Read the following details.Based on that write a python script to display department
wise records
database name :- organization.db
Table name :- Employee
Columns in the table :- Eno, EmpName, Esal, Dept
12 Read the following details.Based on that write a python script to display records in desending
order of
database name : organization.db
Table name : Employee
Columns in the table :- Eno, EmpName, Esal, Dept

II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Write in brief about SQLite and the steps used to use it.
2 Write the Python script to display all the records of the following table using fetchmany()

Icode ItemName Rate
1003 Scanner 10500
1004 Speaker 300
1005 Printer 8000
1008 Monitor 15000
1010 Mouse 700

3 Write a Python script to create a table called ITEM with following specification.
Add one record to the table.
Name of the database :- ABC
Name of the table :- Item
Column name and specification :-
Icode :- integer and act as primary


Item Name :- Character with length 25
Rate :- Integer

:- 1008, Monitor,15000

16 Data Visualization using pyplot: line chart, pie chart and bar chart

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Define infographics.
2 Define dash board.
3 Define: Data Visualization.
4 List the general types of data visualization.
5 List the types of Visualizations in Matplotlib.
6 How will you install Matplotlib?
7 Write the difference between the following functions: plt.plot([1,2,3,4]), plt.
plot([1,2,3,4], [1,4,9,16]).
8 Draw the output for the following data visualization plot.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt[1,3,5,7,9],[5,2,7,8,2], label=”Example one”)[2,4,6,8,10],[8,6,2,5,6], label=”Example two”, color=’g’)
plt.xlabel(‘bar number’)
plt.ylabel(‘bar height’)
plt.title(‘Epic Graph\nAnother Line! Whoa’)
9 Write any three uses of data visualization.
10 Write the coding for the following:
a. To check if PIP is Installed in your PC.
b. To Check the version of PIP installed in your PC.
c. To list the packages in matplotlib.
11 Write the plot for the following pie chart output.

II. Answer the following: (5M)
1 Explain in detail the types of pyplots using Matplotlib
2 Explain the various buttons in a matplotlib window.
3 Explain the purpose of the following functions:
a. plt.xlabel
b. plt.ylabel
c. plt.title
d. plt.legend()
4 Write the key differences between Histogram and bar graph.

Infant Pre.Mat.Hr.Sec.School, Vridhachalam.606001
XII Computer Applications

  1. Multimedia and Desktop Publishing

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)

  1. What is multimedia?
  2. Write the file formats that are used for the production and delivery of multimedia data.
    3 Write a short note on text formats.
    4 Write a short note on image formats.
    5 Write a short note on digital audio file formats.
    6 Write a short note on digital video file formats.
    7 List out image file formats.
  3. List out audio file formats.
  4. List out video file formats.
    10 Define Multimedia Production.
    11 List out Multimedia Production team members.
    12 Write roles and responsibilities of Production team members.
    13 Describe the various file formats in multimedia .
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
  5. Explain in detail Process of Multimedia.
    2 Explain in detail about production team Roles and Responsibilities
    3 Explain about different file formats in multimedia files.
  6. An Introduction to Adobe Pagemaker

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)

  1. How can you create text block?
    2 Write the steps to draw a star, polygon, dotted line, line, fill shape with colors and patterns
    3 Write the steps to print a document
    4 What is text block?
    5 What is threading text blocks?
    6 What is threading text?
    7 How do you insert a page in PageMaker?
    8 What is PageMaker? Explain its uses.
    9 How do you rejoin split blocks?
    10 How do you link frames containing text?
    11 What is the use of Master Page?
    12 How to you insert page numbers in Master pages?
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
  2. Write the steps to place the text in a frame.
    2 How can you convert text in a text block to a frame?
    3 Write the steps to draw a star using polygon tool?
  3. Introduction to Database Management System

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Define DBMS
2 What are the limitations of RDBMS
3 What are the features of RDBMS.
4 Write the concept of RDBMS
5 Write a short note on foreign, super and composite key.
6 Write the difference between SQL and MySQL.

  1. List few disadvantages of file processing system.
    8 Define Single and multi valued attributes
    9 What are the ACID properties?
    10 What is Relationship and List its types.
    11 State few advantages of Relational databases.
    II Answer the following: (5M)
    1 Explain on Evolution of DBMS.
  2. What is relationship in databases? List its types.

3 Discuss on Cardinality in DBMS

  1. Introduction to Hypertext Pre-Processor

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)

  1. List the types of architecture.
    2 List the types of PHP syntax.
    3 What are the common usages of PHP?
  2. What is Webserver?
    5 What are the types scripting language?
  3. Difference between Client and Server?
    7 Give few examples of Web Browser?
    8 What is URL?
    9 Is PHP a case sensitive language?
    10 How to declare variables in PHP?
    11 Define Client Server Architecture.
    12 Differentiate Server side and Client Side Scripting language.
    13 In how many ways you can embed PHP code in an HTML page?
    14 Write short notes on PHP operator
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
  4. Explain client side and server side scripting language.
  5. Discuss in detail about Website development activities.
    3 Explain the process of Web server installation
  6. Explain operators in PHP with example
  7. PHP Function and Array

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 What is parameterized Function.
2 Define Array in PHP.

  1. List out the types of array in PHP.
  2. Define associative array.
  3. What are indexed arrays?
    6 Write the purpose of parameterized Function.
    7 Write Short notes on Array.
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
  4. Explain Function concepts in PHP.
  5. Explain the Multidimensional Array.
    3 Explain Array concepts and their types
  6. Explain Indexed array and Associate array in PHP.
  7. PHP Conditional Statements

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)

  1. What is if else statement in PHP?
    2 Write the Syntax of the If else statement in PHP.
  2. Define if…elseif….else Statement in PHP.
  3. Write the usage of Switch Statement in PHP.
  4. Write the Syntax of Switch statement.
    6 Compare if and if else statement
    7 Write is the purpose of if elseif else statement.
    8 Differentiate Switch and if else statement.
    9 Write Short notes on Switch statement.
    10 Differentiate if statement and if elseif stamen
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
    1 Explain the Function of Conditional Statements in PHP.
  5. Discuss in detail about Switch statement with an example.
  6. Explain the working of Conditional Statements in PHP?
    4 Explain the if elseif else statement. With suitable example.
  7. Looping Structure

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Define Looping Structure in PHP.

  1. What is For each loop in PHP?
  2. List out Looping Structure in PHP.
    4 Write Syntax of For each loop in PHP
  3. Compare For loop and for each loop
  4. Explain the use of for each loop in PHP
    7 Write the features Looping Structure
    8 Write the purpose of Looping Structure in PHP
    9 Differentiate For each and While loop
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
    1 Explain Looping Structure in PHP.
  5. Discuss in detail about For each loop.
  6. Forms and Files

I Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Define HTML form controls.

  1. Define for Form Handling method in PHP.
  2. What is Form Validation in PHP?
  3. List out HTML control to support PHP language.
  4. Write Syntax of Text box in HTML.
  5. Define File handling in PHP.
  6. What is a HTML form?
    8 Write any Two rules for input HTML.
  7. Differentiate check box and .
    10 Write the features Form Handling.
    11 Write the purpose Get method and Post method.
    12 Differentiate Get and Post Method.
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
  8. Explain Form Handling methods
  9. Discuss in detail about HTML form controls.
  10. Connecting PHP and MYSQL

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)

  1. What are the MySQLi function available PHP?
  2. What is MySQLi function?
  3. What are the types MySQLi function available PHP?
  4. Difference between Connection and Close function?
    5 Give few examples of MySQLi Queries
  5. What is Connection string?
    7 Write the Syntax for MySQLi Queries.
    8 Write is the purpose of MySQLi function available.
    9 Write MySQLi Connection Syntax with example
    II. Answer the following (5M)
  6. Discuss in detail about MySQLi functions with example .
  7. Explain in details types of MySQLi connection method in PHP.
  8. Explain MySQLi Queries with examples.
  9. Introduction to Computer Networks

I Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)

  1. Write a short note on nodes.
    2 What are the uses of network?
    3 Define Computer Network.
    4 Define Internet
    5 What are the common uses of computer network?
    6 List out some features of mobile network.
    7 Difference between wired and wireless networks.
    8 List out some benefits of social networks.
    9 How computer networks are money saving?
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
    1 Mention some uses of network at business, home, mobile, social application.

11 Network Examples and Protocols

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
1 Write some applications of Internet
2 Write some applications of Intranet.
3 Write some applications of Extranet.
4 Define Intranet
5 What is the uses of mobile network
6 List out the benefits of WiFi
7 How many types of RFID system available and what are they?
8 Compare Internet, Intranet and Extranet
9 List out the components of a RFID enabled system.
II Answer the following: (5M)
1 Explain about Internet, Intranet and Extranet
2 Explain about the development, merits and demerits in Mobile networks.

  1. Network Examples and Protocols
    I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)
  2. What are the basic rules of domain name?
    2 What are the types of name servers?
    3 Define zone.
    4 List any four domain names.
    5 What is an URL?
    6 List out four URLs you know.
    7 What are the types of URL?
    8 What is a domain?
    9 What is a zone?
    10 What is a resolver?
    11 What are the categories available in domain name space?
    12 Write any four generic Top Level Domain.
    13 Write a note on DNS
    14 Differentiate Domain name and URL
    15 What are the differences between Absolute URL and Relative URL?
    16 Write a note on domain name.
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
    1 Explain briefly the components of DNS.
  3. Explain about the name server?
    3 What is domain name space? Explain.
    4 Explain how the DNS is working.

13 . Network Cabling

I. Answer the following ( 2 & 3 M)

  1. Write a note on twisted pair cable.
  2. What are the uses of USB cables?
  3. What are the differences between serial and parallel ports?
    4 What is meant by null modem cable?
    II Answer the following: (5M)
  4. Explain the types of network cables.

14 . Open Source Concepts

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)

  1. Explain the History of open source software
  2. What is meant by network simulator?
  3. What is trace file?
  4. Write short notes on NS2
    5 Explain NRCFOSS
  5. What are the uses of Open source Network Software?
  6. Explain Free software.
    8 . List out the Popular open source software.
  7. Explain Types of Organisations related to Open Source.
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
    1 Differentiate Proprietary and open source software.
  8. List out the Benefits of Open Source Software
  9. Explain various Open Source License.

15 . E-Commerce

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)

  1. Define E-Commerce.
  2. Distinguish between E-Business and E-Commerce
  3. Differentiate tangible goods and electronic goods with example of your own.
  4. What is dotcom bubble and dotcom burst?
    5 Describe how E-Commerce is related to socio-technological changes
    6 . Write a short note on the third wave of E-Commerce.
  5. Write a note on name-your-price websites.
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
  6. Write about the development and growth of Electronic Commerce.
    2 . Explain any five E-Commerce revenue models.
    16 . Electronic Payment Systems

I. Answer the following: ( 2 & 3 M)

  1. Define electronic payment system
    2 Distinguish micro electronic payment and macro electronic payment
  2. List the types of micro electronic payments based on its algorithm
  3. Explain the concept of e-wallet
  4. What is a credit card network?
  5. Define micro electronic payment and its role in E Commerce.
    7 . Compare and contrast the credit card and debit card.
  6. Explain briefly Anatomy of a credit card.
  7. Briefly explain the stored value card and its types.
    10 . What is electronic fund transfer?
    II. Answer the following: (5M)
  8. What is credit card? Explain the
Exit mobile version