Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) had a tense back-and-forth with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack during a closed-door lunch last Thursday

The heated exchange, which left some senators stunned, is an indication Booker — who, like Joe Biden, ran for president in 2020

The confrontation also reflects a level of frustration some Democrats have with the administration's efforts to address food deserts and the prevalence of junk food

"Sen. Booker appreciated the opportunity for a robust discussion with Secretary Vilsack and looks forward to continuing his work with the administration on these critical issues,

Sen. Booker believes that access to affordable, nutritious food should not be dictated by your race, income or ZIP Code,"

she said. "He also knows that corporate agriculture consolidation is driving small farmers and ranchers out of business while pushing prices up for American families."

A Vilsack spokesperson didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

Booker, a passionate vegan, appeared to catch Vilsack off-guard when he questioned what the department was doing to reform agribusiness and help provide healthier food to poorer Americans.

Vilsack responded, in part, that consumers sometimes prefer unhealthier foods — triggering an even stronger response from Booker.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), who chairs the DPCC, tried to calm the tensions, but the meeting ended without Booker and Vilsack resolving their differences.

Too many Americans are overfed but undernourished,” he said during a subcommittee hearing last November.