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Tamil Essays

Neerindri Amayathu Ulagu Katturai in tamil- நீரின்றி அமையாது உலகு கட்டுரை

Neerindri Amayathu Ulagu Katturai in tamil- நீரின்றி அமையாது உலகு கட்டுரை :- நீர் என்றால் வாழ்கை ,இயற்க்கை நமக்கு கொடுத்திருக்கும் மிக பெரிய கொடை நீர் ஆகும் ,மனித வாழ்விற்ற்கு முதல் அத்தியாவிசய தேவை நீர் மட்டுமே,இந்த பூமியின் உயிர்கள் ஜீவிக்க உதவியது நீரின் இருப்பே ஆகும்.மனிதர்களுக்கு மட்டுமல்லாது உலகில் உள்ள எல்லா…

Tamil Essays

சுற்றுப்புற தூய்மை கட்டுரை – Sutrupura Thuimai Katturai in Tamil

சுற்றுப்புற தூய்மை கட்டுரை – Sutrupura Thuimai Katturai in Tamil:- மனித வாழ்வில் இன்றியமையாத ஒன்று தூய்மையான சுற்றுப்புறமே ஆகும் ,எவரொருவர் தான் வாழும் இடமான இந்த பூமியின் தூய்மையை கட்டுக்குள் வைத்திருக்கு சிறுமுயற்சி செய்கிறாரோ,அவரே இன்றைய காலகட்டத்தின் சிறந்த மனிதராக போற்றப்படுகிறார். இயற்கைக்கு நமக்கு உகந்த பல கொடைகளை வழங்கியுள்ளது தூய்மையான காற்று…


Letter Writing

The art of writing a letter was once considered essential, before the advent of contemporary technology, because it was so difficult to communicate. Even today, a letter is an effective means of communication in both the workplace and our personal…


Step By Step Guide To Write Article

Different types of articles are written for different purposes, but the format remains the same. An article is a kind of writing that is meant to inform or entertain. Articles are published in newspapers, magazines and journals on various subjects…


Essay on My Hobby

A hobby is something that a person does for fun. It can be anything from collecting stamps to fishing. I have many hobbies, one of which is playing the trumpet. Playing this instrument has really helped me to become more…


Essay on Environment

The environment is a significant issue that has been gaining more and more attention over the last few years.The environment is a collection of all the things that live on this planet. They are a part of the environment, whether…


Women Empowerment Essay

Women empowerment essay is a hot topic these days. There are many people who think that women’s empowerment has become more important than ever before. Women have had to fight for their rights and equal treatment, but they still face…


Importance of Education Essay

Education is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Education provides us with a foundation for life and grants us opportunities that we might not otherwise have. Education has been an integral part of society since ancient times,…


The Freedom Fighters of India with Names List in PDF

Freedom Fighters of India with Names list in pdf:- Below is a freedom fighters list of the freedom fighters for India: This document is a freedom fighters list of the freedom fighters for India. It includes names, birthdates, and their…

English Powerpoint Essay

Famous Female Freedom Fighters in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu has seen many female freedom fighters. They have fought for the rights of women, children, and other marginalized communities. The following are 6 famous female freedom fighters in Tamil Nadu that you should know about! 1. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay,…